What is the difference in cooking with the flat versus round bottom carbon steel wok? I’m a total newbie but very excited about using a wok instead of a generic frying pan. I’m kind of old-ish and am desiring to re-connect to the cooking spirit I used to have. I am in a small apartment with electric burners on the small stove top. I had always gone to the Illustrious Chicken-Vegetable with Red Wine and Custom Spice for the best I had done. It was the joy of the week for my one son. He will freak out (good kind!) if I should have a Renaissance in Real Food cooking. Thanks!
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What is the difference in cooking with the flat versus round bottom carbon steel wok? I’m a total newbie but very excited about using a wok instead of a generic frying pan. I’m kind of old-ish and am desiring to re-connect to the cooking spirit I used to have. I am in a small apartment with electric burners on the small stove top. I had always gone to the Illustrious Chicken-Vegetable with Red Wine and Custom Spice for the best I had done. It was the joy of the week for my one son. He will freak out (good kind!) if I should have a Renaissance in Real Food cooking. Thanks!
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